#205: 40.3L Aquatic Garden Spring Valley

Shin Dong Jin Seoul, South Korea

Awards and Comments

Top Ten
I like these Manten Stones so much that I have to discipline myself not to get too carried away with them.
The roots do not impress me so much.
Where the roots meet the water surface they are mirrored in a strange way and there is also an irritating reflection on the left side glass.
The very thin branches in the background should definitely have been left out.
I particularly like the highlight with Bucelaphandra and the Myriophyllum in the background. The Micranthemum in the foreground feels too bulky and I would have preferred some details there instead. Some nice gravels for example.
Overall however you have created a very very nice mood and that is worthy of all credit.
— Frederic Fuss
Nice Natural atmosphere!
Good proportions good use of the reflections good sense of depth and well delimited layers.
Natural path good perspective but the path could be more worked with more details. The same with the foreground carpet that is so artificial comparing with the rest of the layout. Maybe the shadows in the trees are too strong.
But anyway it's a great aquascape.
Thank you for submitting!
— Andre Longarço
This is a quiet gentle woodland scene. You could have improved it by elevating the base layer so that your very nicely done path actually raised as it went toward the back rather than being all on a flat plane.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 60 × 28 × 24 cm
Title Spring Valley
Volume 40.3L
Background none
Lighting Aquas Metal Light Real 600
Filtration EHEIM 2215
Plants Hemia. callitrichoides “Cuba”, Riccardia chamedryfolia, Flame Moss, Micranthemum micranthemoides, Myriophyllum sp. from Guyana, Hydrocotyle maritima, Bucephalandra, bolbitis heteroclita difformis
Animals Boraras brigittae
Materials Manten stone, Driftwood
Additional Information AQUARIO neo premium plants soil

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