Dimensions 90 × 45 × 45 cm
Title The Path of Truth
Volume 182.2L
Background white foam
Lighting week aqua led light
Filtration eheim 2215 x 2 cannister filter
Plants micranthemum tweediei
utricularia graminifolia
mexicana goias
bolbitis heudelotii
bolbitis mini
trident fern
anubias sp.
bucephalandra sp.
eriocaulon sp.
echinodorus tenellus
riccardia chamedryfolia
rotala sp.
myriophyllum tuberculatum
Animals 25 to 30pcs ember tetra, otocinclus, badis badis
Materials slate and dragon stones
Additional Information Im willing to learn and improve my skills in aquascaping.🙏 god bless us all🍀 and scape on👌