#230: 64.8L Aquatic Garden Refuge

Antonios Zormpas Athens, Greece

Awards and Comments

Top Ten
A pretty little canyon.
The steep structure and the color accents make this layout look very interesting.
The weighting of the left and right sides is ideal and the passage to the horizon is directly on the upper left focus point. It is nice that the two stone structures lean directly against the side glass. The vivid planting and the associated colors create a romantic impression.
My personal second favorite Aquatic Garden from 55 - 80 liters.
— Frederic Fuss
Interesting work with good proportions and very healthy plants. Good profusion of textures colors and good shadows.
The foreground could have been better worked as it is very flat and monotonous but overall it's a good job congratulations.
— Andre Longarço
Lovely aquascape. One of my favs in the category. The structure is balanced and the planting arrangement and maturity is perfect. Just some details about the lighting of the photo. I would prefer stronger shadows in both sides with some detail but darker. Then some brighter light in background. You will achieve more perspective better contrast between layers and without a doubt a better impact.
— Juan Puchades Rufino
This is a very attractive layout but I think it would have been even more attractive with a little less heavy-handed use of the saturation slider in post! Neither the rasboras nor the dragon stone are this artificially red color in nature but are quite beautiful in their natural colors. Nor are the plants normally this acid green!!!
— Karen Randall
Bright atmosphere and strong layout followed by a pretty nice plant selection. Next time you can add a little more detail to the foreground it’s an amazing work. This tank is skillfully design and executed. :):)
— Jhonny Vanegas Cardenas

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 60 × 30 × 36 cm
Title Refuge
Volume 64.8L
Background ADA Light Screen 60.
Lighting ADA Aquasky Rgb 60.
Filtration Oase BioMaster Thermo 350.
Plants Eleocharis Acicularis 'Mini', Marsilea Crenata, Hemianthus Callitrichoides 'Cuba', Micranthemum tweediei 'Monte Carlo', Cryptocoryne Parva, Riccardia sp. 'Chamedryfolia', Riccardia sp. 'Graeffei', Fissidens sp. 'Miroshaki', Fissidens sp. 'Mini Taiwan', Fissidens sp. 'Bucephalandra', Rotala Rotundifolia 'Orange Juice', Rotala Rotundifolia 'H'ra', Hemianthus Glomeratus, Anubias Barteri Var. Nana 'Mini Mini', Anubias Barteri Var. Nana 'Pangolino', Bucephalandra sp.
Animals 15 Boraras Brigittae, 10 Caridina multidentata, 10 Clithon Corona Snails.
Materials Dragon stone, ADA Aqua Gravel, ADA La Plata Sand, ADA Amazonia ver 2,
Additional Information Fertilization: ADA Fertilizing System.
Special Substrate: ADA Powersand Advanced.

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