#235: 364L Paludarium In the nait

Juan fco aba serra Palma de mallorca, Spain

Awards and Comments


A beautiful display but lacking the water to deem it a paludarium.
— Jack McCarley
This LOOKS to me not to have water in the bottom. The plants in the water area appear to be Fittonia. Yup. I just looked at the original Fittonia for sure so if there IS water in it they shouldn’t be there. But I don’t think there is any water.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 90 × 45 × 90 cm
Title In the nait
Volume 364L
Background Estructura de espuma
Lighting Onf 90 8 horas al dia
Plants Helechos, bromelias, musgos, anubias,
Materials Compo, madera de romero

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