Dimensions 45 × 30 × 30 cm
Title Valley of sleeping unicorn
Volume 40L
Lighting Chihiros WRGB2
Filtration JBL CristalProfi e402
Plants Fissidens fontanus, Rotala sp. Hra, Hygrophila pinnatifida UK, Hydrocotyle tripartita mini , Bucephalandra sp. "Aqua Arctica", Hemianthus callitrichoides "Cuba", Eleocharis sp. 'Mini', Marsilea hirsuta, Cryptocoryne parva, Myriophyllum sp. "Guyana", Rotala macrandra 'Pearl'
Animals Blue Bolt Shrimp, Boraras urophthalmoides
Materials Dragon stones
The nearby volumes with larger floor plans increase the sense of perspective and depth.
In the foreground which was too flat the Marsileia hirsuta was a little big probably the best choice for this case would be the Marsilea angustifolia which is smaller. Still regarding the plants the photo was probably taken too late when the plants had already started to close which was a shame as the health of the montage is evident.
As a last point the choice of fish and their positioning were not happy.
But above all I see a well-mounted healthy aquarium that represents nature a lot my sincere congratulations!!!