#428: 172L Aquatic Garden Montanhas Eclesiásticas

Luiz Fernando Parente Ribeiro Campos dos Goytacazes-RJ, Brazil


With all the many species of small leafed plants this is probably a tank that is much better experienced in person where you can sit in front of it and study every little detail. There is just not a strong enough point of interest to catch and hold the eye on this scale.
— Karen Randall
Great first impression and the hardscape is really well done but the planting was just a bit too varied and clusters are on the small side. The planting here gives off more of a man made botanical garden rather than something natural. There are many small clusters rather than large patches of plants.
— Hiep Hong

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 96 × 45 × 40 cm
Title Montanhas Eclesiásticas
Volume 172L
Background Placa de polipropileno branca, para esconder sump traseira
Lighting 2 refletores led 50w cada, 2 calha de led super branca
Filtration Canister 1000ltts
Plants Rotala Green, rotala Red, rotala BSD, pogosremon helferi, heleocharis mínima, Cuba, lobelia green, ludwigia mini red, anubia nana, anubia nana petit, Bucephalandra Browne Leaf, Cristmas Moss, wepping Moss, rotala rose higrophila pinatphinda
Animals Nanostomus
Materials Mbreda Amazônia, areiao de rio, areia cosmética, rochas naturais do estado do Espírito Santo
Additional Information Fertilização feita com kit aquavitro seachem,

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