#506: 202.5L Aquatic Garden REBELLIOUS WAVES

Tran Duc Minh Hochiminh, Vietnam

Awards and Comments

Top Ten
`Rebellious Waves`
Yes I think I understand the title.
An interesting job. The idea and the implementation is very successful.
The waves have an elegant swing and look exciting.
Elegant and stirring like the real sea.
When planting I would probably have liked moss better than Micranthemum but that's just my personal preference. I like the background planting all the better although it doesn't completely adapt to the basic design.
Very beautiful!
— Frederic Fuss
This work created mixed feeling in me. On one hand I love and admire author's technique. On the other I cannot imagine this scenario in Nature.
— Juan Puchades Rufino
We have two “wave scapes” this year. And while the other one has a single more dramatic wave this one carries the theme more successfully through from one side of the scape to the other. Kudos for that!
— Karen Randall
Interesting "waves work".
The title perfectly refers to the work.
Vigorous aquascape with good shadows very dynamic and powerful.
The two big one waves are with the same strength in the same height and consequently with the same aesthetic importance. Maybe if one of them had more importance or greater emphasis the work could be more harmonious.
But anyway it is an incredible layout congratulations.
— Andre Longarço

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 100 × 45 × 45 cm
Volume 202.5L
Background White
Lighting ONF Flat one 90cm
Filtration Eheim 2217
Plants Micranthemum ‘Monte Carlo’, Hemianthus Callitrichoides, Hygrophila pinnatifila, Rotala Rotundifolia Green, Rotala wallichii, Microsotum Pteropus ‘Narrow’, Anubias Nana Petite, Blyxa Japonica, Vallisneria nana, Mini Fissidens, Echinodorus tenellus, Eleocharis acicularis.
Animals Rummy-nose Tetra
Materials Substrate, driftwoods, rocks.

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