#508: 30L Aquatic Garden Mirror's Gambit

Conrado Bergundo Jr. Doha, Philippines


Interesting project but the dimension of the aquarium was not so good to the layout.
Despite you trying to use the mirror to take our attention at the same time you created another strong point of interest that in fact takes away our attention much more.
The mirror in the end of path was in the third plane of attention almost imperceptible.
Try to balance a little better all points of interest of your next layout.
Keep aquascaping!!!
— Andre Longarço

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 30 × 30 × 35 cm
Title Mirror's Gambit
Volume 30L
Background Frosted white sticker
Customized mirror at end point
Lighting Aquael 30cm Led light
Filtration Aquael Internal filter 30L
Plants Bolbitis heteroclita "difformis"
Eleocharis sp. minima
Micranthemum sp. "Monte Carlo"
Vesicularia Montagnei "Christmas Moss"
Cryptocoryne lutea "Hobbit"
Juncus Repens
Rotal sp. Green
Eriocaulon Dong Ha
Bucephalandra "mini"
Anubias "mini" coin
Java Fern "mini"
Weeping Moss (Vesicularia Ferriei)
Coral Moss (Riccardia chamedryfolia)
Animals Neon Tetra
Materials Dragon stone
Spider woods
White sand
ADA Amazonia II
Additional Information This is my nano aquascape titled "Mirror's Gambit". I use a customized cut mirror at the end point of the pathway that made it an illusion of unending path. I put it at the back of the tank, not inside the tank, so it'll be easy to maintain. And I carefully studied the perspective, I want to to be super deep despite of the depth size (30cm). The planting strategy also add up with the deeper tank.
No tank is so small for a focused artist.

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