Dimensions 90 × 50 × 45 cm
Title 秋韵
Volume 202.5L
Background Led Light Board
Lighting NETALA rgb two
Filtration NETALA Filter bucket
Plants Coral Mosse, Mini Moss, Mini Banyan, Chili Banyan, Red Palace, Green Palace, cranberry, Paddy Pearl, spoon ping, Cactus, Ox Hair, forked column flower, rain-cracked raincoat
Animals Black tail big hook, black shell shrimp
Materials Sunken Wood, purple teak, volcanic stone, make-up sand
Despite the use of too much contrast effect on the photo is possible to feel a natural atmosphere and a lot of layers that gives a good movement to layout.
Good perspective sense of depth and shadows.
Maybe the fishes could be more contrasting but anyway it is a great aquascape!!!