Dimensions 30 × 30 × 20 cm
Title Go "Home"
Volume 18L
Lighting Led chihiros A301 - 18w
Filtration Sunsun hbl 801
Plants Anubias barteri petie; bucephalandra; Taxiphyllum alternans 'Taiwan'; Pilotrichaceae sp. 'pilo moss'; Us Fissidens sp fontanus; Fissidens splachnobryoides; Taxiphllum sp. ‘Flame’; Hydrocotyle Sibthorpioides; Micranthemum 'Monte Carlo';
Animals Paracheirodon innesi; Red cherry shrimp
Great sense of naturalness and perspective.
Correct choice of plants and fauna. Just be careful with shrimp because most of the time they appear too much calling attention unduly especially in tanks of such a small size.
All the planes were very well worked out and full of detail.
Just a comment about the photograph: I don't know if it was on purpose but the depth of field could have been bigger as we only have the center of the aquarium in focus and the front and back out of focus. This practically or artistically works but for contest evaluation it could be understood as an intentional way to partially show the aquarium which let's face it is not a good choice.
But speaking of this precious work... what a challenge to create such a natural and well-detailed layout in such a small aquarium.
Congratulations keep on!