#677: 1.5L Wabi-Kusa Loa swamp

Lukas Chochola Prague, Czech Republic


A strikingly dynamic arrangement at first impression. The plumes of emergent C. helferi provide exciting height extending height above the rim of a beautiful piece of glassware.

Emersed plants across rockwork appear healthy and bountiful though C. helferi appears to be experiencing some humidity damaged leaf tips. Nevertheless a beautiful addition to any arrangement.

That said the submerged portion of this display suffers. J. repens and A. nana 'Petite' appear pressed against the glass without space to unfurl their foliage and contribute effectively.

Overall this display is well-balanced considerably healthy and brings joy through the usage of great plant choices combined with fun relevant glassware. Well-done.
— Jack McCarley
This is a very simple yet lyrical Wabi Kusa in the true classic Wabi Kusa style. The growth is beautiful and healthy and there is a nice use of differing texture. But it would be nice if there was difference in color or tone too!
— Karen Randall
Monochromatic choice is interesting combined with a minimalist feel. Perhaps using a smaller shorter plant instead of submersed
juncus repens would have been more in-scale to the whole creation.
— JoAnn Fujii

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 10 × 10 × 15 cm
Title Loa swamp
Volume 1.5L
Plants Juncus Repens, Cyperus Helferi, Hemiantus Callitrichoides, Anubias sp., Lagenandra Keralensis, Tonina Fluviatilis, Peacock moss,
Materials Lava Loa rock, Jungle soil

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