#163: 536L Aquatic Garden Radiance

Juan Puchades Valencia, Spain

Awards and Comments

Best of ShowFirst Place
This is one of my favorite works! It is a very wonderful work it is impossible to look away from it. The color scheme of the plants creates the appropriate coziness of early autumn and the sun which hid behind the stones and illuminates the lawn with its rays. The title of the work fully corresponds to the picture created by the author. The perspective in the aquarium is perfectly conveyed. Bravo!
— Tereza Lazar
A very beautiful work. I love the sweep of the branches that we get to peer through into the scape.
— Karen Randall
Masterful technique in the use of shadows and lighting. The way the wood is composed gives a great sense of flow towards the vanishing point. Great balance of colors overall. A work that makes me smile. Beautiful well done!
— Nigel Hoevenaar
Magnificent grandiose vigorous!
An aquarium that exudes the Nature Aquarium concept adding "the mountainscape style" and a lot of contrast of full and empty spaces light and shadows strength and delicacy.
The powerful lines of force cut the plane from right to left but at the same time they are interrupted by the void that mark the start of the perspective to the opposite side. The "Amano Void" perfectly positioned stands out even more since it is partially covered by the large main element of the layout. The tree that one is the origin of the whole project and radiates all the movement of the work is also the one that allows what must be seen fully or partially.
Its complement on the other side of the layout is even more splendid full of movement but its subordination to the main element is clear and noticeable.
This layout is a masterpiece of geometry where lines of organic forces complement and contrast with the hard lines of perspective that take us to the bottom of the layout.
The strength and vigor of the stem plants at the top of the project crown and emulate the energy that radiates from the trees' rays.
Photography is also another important job which in this case prioritizes shadows penumbra in counterpoint to the light radiated by the stem plants in the background of the layout.
Ultimately this type of layout brings a sparkle to the eyes of the judges and those who appreciate them and contemplate them.
Despite being a photo my imagination travels and can feel all the energy of this moment that overflows with naturalness and simplicity.
It is difficult to objectively evaluate such a great layout because we can feel subjectively the strength of nature in such a beautiful setting.
This work rescues my essence and of course it goes without saying that it moved me and became my favorite from this edition.
Congratulations and thank you for this gift.
— Andre Longarco
The creator of this artwork has an unmatched passion for aquascaping always approaching it with a mindset geared towards learning. Evaluating a piece while knowing its creator can be a challenging task as a judge but I have endeavored to judge as objectively as possible. This piece exemplifies the crucial role of lighting and photography in aquascaping. It seems meticulously planned from its conception and reflects various experiments. The outcome is nearly flawless and remarkable. It deserves to claim a Grand Prize and serves as a great inspiration to aquascapers worldwide. Congratulations.
— Cho Jaesun

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 150 × 65 × 55 cm
Title Radiance
Volume 536L
Lighting Chihiros LED 10th anniversary x 3
Filtration Oase pro800 x 2
Plants Aquatic plants Hemianthus Callitrichoides, Marsilea Hirsuta, Eleocharis Acicularis, Eleocharis Minima, Cryptocoryne Parva, Bucephalandra sp., Anubias Mini Coin, Higrophila Pinnatifida, Riccardia Chamedrifolia, Fissidens Fontanus, Vesicularia Ferriei, Taxiphillum Barbieri, Rotala Green, Rotala Rotundifolia, Rotala Rotundifolia “Orange Juice”, Rotala Rotundifolia “H’ra”
Animals Danio Choprae, Otocynclus Affinis, Crossoscheilus Siamensis,
Materials Seiryu multilayered stone and different kind of driftwood (cbo wood + wio woods + other from my collection)
Additional Information One of the approaches that most attracts me to this art is the possibility of recreating different atmospheres that transmit different times of the day within a channel or river bed. On this occasion I wanted to reflect the flashes of the first rays of light associated with the use of a species of fish called glowlight, with the aim of closing the link between aquarium and species.
I have added a second photo with a classic version, normal light and flash configuration. In the second photo it is possible to appreciatte different details with a clear image.

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