#383: 75L Biotope Aquascape Tributary to Kapuas

Marçal Galí Bohera Roses, Spain


While this display is impressive and the fishes are appropriate it is sadly let down by the use of non-native hybrid plants from other regions. It can be difficult to source native species (it may even be illegal to collect them) but in that case it's better not to include any plants than include inappropriate ones. It's a shame as the display has visual impact and has clearly been put together with care.
— Tai Strietman

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 75 × 40 × 25 cm
Title Tributary to Kapuas
Volume 75L
Background nothing
Lighting WRGB 60 Chihiros
Filtration JBL CristalProfi E702 Greenline
Plants Bucephalandra pygmaea 'Bukit Kelam', Cryptocoryne Lutea Hobbit (We have used cryptocorynes and bucephalandras which are plants that we can find in the area represented although the varieties used, Bucephalandra pygmaea 'Bukit Kelam' (hybrid varieties form borneo)and Cryptocoryne Lutea Hobbit (hybrid varieties that come from Sri Lanka), are not the exact species of the area. We believe that tis plants help to better understand the biotope representation.)
Animals Trichogaster Leerii
Puntius Rhomboocellatus
Materials Neptune driftwood
Ibon Biotope Bed
Black Venom Boulder
Muddy Sustrate
Ltb Sphagnum Moss
Ltb Pomice
Additional Information This aquarium represents a small forested stream flowing into the main channel of the Kapuas River within 10 km upstream from Sanggau. The stream is 2-4 meters wide and has a depth of 20-50 centimeters. The current is moderately swift, and the water appears clear with a slight brownish hue, maintaining a temperature of 25°C and a pH of 6.5. The streambed is composed of gravel or sand, with some large stones, branches, logs, and leaves. Additionally, various species of bucephalandras and cryptocorynes can be found thriving in this environment.

We have used cryptocorynes and bucephalandras which are plants that we can find in the area represented although the varieties used, Bucephalandra pygmaea 'Bukit Kelam' (hybrid varieties form borneo)and Cryptocoryne Lutea Hobbit (hybrid varieties that come from Sri Lanka), are not the exact species of the area. We believe that tis plants help to better understand the biotope representation.

Location coordinates: 0°06'N, 110°35'E

Biotope description

The Kapuas River is the longest river in Indonesia, flowing through the province of West Kalimantan on the island of Borneo. On this occasion, we will specifically focus on the Sanggau area, located within the Kapuas River basin. Below, I provide relevant geographical and geological information about the Kapuas River in the Sanggau zone:

Geographical Information:

Location: Sanggau is situated in the northwest region of West Kalimantan province, on the island of Borneo, Indonesia.
Landscape: The Sanggau area features a diverse and natural landscape, characterized by hills, valleys, and plains. The presence of the Kapuas River influences the configuration of this fluvial landscape.
Hydrography: The Kapuas River is the longest river in Indonesia and serves as the main waterway flowing through the Sanggau region. Its meandering and broad course provide an important aquatic habitat for various fish species and other aquatic organisms.

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