Dimensions 60 × 35 × 38 cm
Title Flowers blooming at night
Volume 79.8L
Background Black sticker + Black plastic mesh suction-cupped to the glass with moss ball attached
Filtration Eheim classic 2215
Plants 1. Penthorum sedoides, 2. Rotala kellycut, 3. Cryptocoryne spiralis Tiger, 4. Hygrophila corymbosa angustifolia, 5. Ludwigia inclinata var. verticillata 'Meta', 6. Lobelia cardinalis mini, 7. Pogostemon erectus, 8. Ammannia bonsai, 9. Samolus parviflorus Red, 10. eriocaulon sp sulawesi, 11. Eriocaulon sp. Feather Duster
Animals Trigonostigma heteromorpha 12,
Otocinclus vestitus 1,
Paratya compressa
Additional Information Original Photo Color Calibrated
Otocinclus vestitus should be kept in a school at least 8.
Technology well hidden and out of sight.