Dimensions 60 × 40 × 25 cm
Title River of silver
Volume 60L
Background White
Lighting Chihiros Wrgb
Filtration 2 Canister Eheim 2213
Plants Eleocharis Parvula
H.Calitrichoides Cuba
Monte Carlo
Bucephalandra sp
Staurogine sp
Pogostemon Helferi
Utriculária Graminifolia
H.Tripartita mini
Rotala Nanjencham
Rotala Wallichi
Musgo Flame
Musgo Fissidens
Musgo Riccardia
Musgo Nambei
Animals Inpaichthys kerri
Materials Substrate Mbreda
The proportion achieved in this assembly is impressive it looks like a 120cm aquarium. It has monumental proportions thanks to the correct choice of plants and hardscape material. It is true that the low height helps with this visual issue but credit to the author for these choices.
I liked the dynamics of the work and I am a confessed fan of these rocks. However because they are lighter almost white plants with darker green could be used to highlight them even more. Precisely the lightest green plants were used but nothing that would discredit the work.
Despite the attempt to work the front of layout it remained on the edge of monotony. Cosmetic gravel of another shade would be better in this case with the use of small rocks of varying sizes would help create a less minimalist look.
The reflection on the right side is perfect while the one on the left could be improved both in the upper portion and in the extreme posterior portion.
And just one more suggestion as both sides had the same priority of scale and height more shadows or more personality in one side of the work would complete this beautiful work with more strength and harmony.
Congratulations I wish I had an aquarium like this in my office!