#693: 12.9L Aquatic Garden The Fairytale Forests of Yakushima

Agnieszka Schoeneck Gdansk, Poland

Awards and Comments

Top Ten
Simple and well done job! Good perspective and great "depth work". Natural atmosphere and good details remind me the Fukushima forest for real.
A work with more contrast of tones would be very welcome. Overall the work is very green with little contrast. The cosmetic sand on the front for example could be lighter or worked with gravel of different sizes.
But either way it's a fascinating work in such a short space Congratulations!!!
— Andre Longarco
This is a remarkable display of detailed artistry within such a small-sized tank. The hardscape is meticulously created and beautiful. The selection and placement of aquatic plants are excellent providing a feeling as if one is wandering through a forest from a fairytale just as the title suggests. Personally I believe that adding more background plants might help in toning down the brightness in the rear but considering the tank size the current appearance is already excellent. Thank you for sharing this magnificent piece and congratulations!
— Cho Jaesun

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 30 × 18 × 24 cm
Title The Fairytale Forests of Yakushima
Volume 12.9L
Lighting dooa sol stand rgb
Filtration super jet es-150 + bio rio g
Plants Ricardia sp. Chamedryfolia
Riccia Fluitans
Fissidens Fontanus
Anubias mini
Bolbitis heteroclita cuspidata
Crepidomanes Vietnam
Animals Rasbora brigittae
Materials wood, lava stones

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