#711: 2L Wabi-Kusa red zone

M.H.gunarathne Malabe, Sri Lanka

Awards and Comments


Substrate ball documentation necessary.
— Jack McCarley
Nice use of hardscape and good mix of plants with different textures and colors. Everything looks nice and healthy. To give the Wabi Kusa a more natural look mix the taller stems versus having the plants bunched in groupings. Good job!
— Bailin Shaw
We can guess that you have a Wabi Kusa ball based on the shape of your display. But please remember that you are required to SHOW us a photo of your Wabi Kusa ball. It can be a photo of the ball when you are just starting it!
— Karen Randall
I really do like this arrangement but I think it needed to be trimmed - too much red (and too tall) on the left which makes the left side dominant when the red should have been left as an accent and not a dominant section of the arrangement. Trailing the plants to the front and sides provides a more natural grown in look. No substrate ball shown per guidelines.
— Jo Ann Fujii

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 15 × 15 × 10 cm
Title red zone
Volume 2L
Background black
Lighting twinster light
Filtration no filter
Plants myrophilum green, althenanthera sisilias, ludwigia rubin,lobelia,echinodorus red sp. ,rotala macrandra,hygropila araguia ,s.repens,red rooster ,pinnatifida
Animals no animals
Materials drift wood

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