#31: 227L Aquatic Garden

Jeff Kropp Oakland, United States

Awards and Comments

Third Place
The plants in this striking tank are in vibrant good health. The plants are beautifully colored and have rewarded the exhibitor's good care by flowering. I wish however that the arrangement was a little less symetrical. I don't care for the dark swath through the middle of the tank. I am also not sure that the large pebbles used in places do anything to benefit the arrangement.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 122 × 38 × 46 cm
Volume 227L
Background Dark brown burlap
Lighting DIY shop light hood fitted with 2 x 36 watt 6500k power compacts and 2 x 40 watt Triton lamps
Filtration Fluval 303 on the left 2/3rd and a Fluval 202 on the right 1/3rd.
Return spray bars positioned 1.5 inches below water surface.
Canned CO2 injected into the intake of 303 cannister.
Plants All IDs are my best informed guess.
* indicates plants not substantially present in photos so you'll have to take my word.
Anubias lancolota,
Anubias nana,
Aponogeton crispus,
*Amazon Sword (Echinodorus sp.),
Banana Plant (Nymphoides aquatica),
Cryptocoryne spiralis,
*Cryptocoryne balansae,
*Cryptocoryne petchii,
*Cryptocoryne parva,
*Cryptocoryne willisi v. lucens,
*Frogbit (Limnobium spongia),
Glossostigma elatinoides,
Hemianthus micranthemoides,
*Hygrophila Tropica v. kompact,
Java Moss (Vesicularia dubyana),
Limnophila aquatica (Ambulia),
Ludwigia Broadleaf (Ludwigia repens x. "Palustris"),
Ludwigia Peruensis (Ludwigia glandulosa),
Rotala indica (Rotala rotundifolia),

Animals ramshorn snails,
malaysian trumpet snails,
14 - beckfords pencil fish,
10 - algae eating shrimp,
4 - Holland blue rams,
2 - SAE,
1 - bristle nosed pleco.
Materials Large driftwood root from Aquarium Driftwood,
mixed rocks hand picked from jackass gulch,
coarse aquarium gravel from Lone Star
with Dupla laterite.
Additional Information Set-up date 7/15/97. Photo date 7/23/00.
KH 4, GH 4, pH 6.7, temp. 77

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