Dimensions 183 × 46 × 56 cm
Volume 416L
Background Blue sheet plastic adhered to back glass
Lighting VHO - 320 Watts
Filtration Cannisters with sponges
Plants Annubia Barteri
Annubia Nana
Ozelot Sword
E. cordifolius (Marble Queen)
Java Fern (Plain)
Java Fern (Windelov)
H. Polysperma (Sunset)
H. micranthemoides (Baby Tears)
H. Zosterifolia (Star Grass)
Pigmy Swords
H. Leucocephala
C. Wendtii
N. lotus (Green)
N. louts (Red)
Animals Angels
Cardinal Tetras
Costo Rican Tetras
Clown Loaches
Corydorus Cats
Black Tetras
Materials Driftwood
Additional Information I fertilize with PMDD, Seachem Iron, Substrate Gold with Jobes Spikes. The substrate is a mixture of Substrate Gold, gravel and sand. I inject CO2 (tank, regulator and needle valve) via a homemade reactor. I use an electronic pH monitor.
My overall planting concept is to create an environment within the aquarium that will meet the needs of each individual plant allowing them to grow in a healthy manner displaying their natural beauty.
Plantings are made in accordance to the plants' size, growing habits, lighting needs, color and texture.
I try to blend colors, shapes, and textures to allow easy transistions from one planted area to another.
The hardier and faster growning plants are placed in the back corners with easily trimmed plants located in the middle and foreground areas.
Combomba, H. Polysperma and H. Zosterifolia are easily trimmed into shrub-like plants and are accordingly placed in the front corners. The Annubias and Java Ferns are strategically placed in the shaded, but viewable areas. H. Leucocephala is rooted within the A. Bateri roots and allowed to drape from the back over the Java Ferns and A. Bateri.
I try to keep the front as open as possible for a feeling of depth and tranquility allowing the angels a hassle-free swimming area.
A major focal point of the tank centers around the the two lotus plants that offer a wide variety of colors (mostly red) yet provide a flowing, comfortable feeling that tie the immediate surrounding areas together. This area also divides the tank into two separate visual areas.