#84: 189L Aquatic Garden

Dave Gomberg San Francisco, United States

Awards and Comments

Honorable Mention
Everything I said about entry 102 is almost equally valid for this
aquarium. Deciding between these aquascapes
is difficult but the decisive factor for the smaller assesment
for this tank is the missing of colourful (red)
— Kaspar Horst
This is an attractive tank but it would benefit from some horizontal lines to balance the strongly vertical lines of the growth. The red of the Cryptocoryne and 'Rubin' sword is a nice touch but would be better used if separated and and off center a little more.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 91 × 46 × 56 cm
Volume 189L
Background black plastic
Lighting 2x95w cf
Filtration ugf
Plants Echinodorus "rose", "red flame", "Rubin", amazonicus
Hygrophila "compacta", angustifolia
Anubias sp., Microsorum pteroptus, Hemianthus micranthemoides
Rotala macrandra, Cladophora aegagrophila
Cryptocoryne "mioya"
Vesicularia dubyana "Christmas"

Animals SAE, black ruby barbs, Otocinclus sp.
Materials driftwood (but you can't see it), polished Chinese
Additional Information No water changes last 10 months, lots of plant removal tho.
Bet I could fit a few more plants in somewhere.

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