#92: 110L Aquatic Garden

Karen Edwards Shoreline, United States


This is another pleasant tank with simple plants. The Java ferns are just lovely. I would prefer that the aquarist had chosen a gravel color that did not contrast so strongly with the lava rock in the tank. And the Ceratopteris would probably be better used further back in the tank and allowed to grow out a little longer before the pictures were taken.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 76 × 33 × 51 cm
Volume 110L
Lighting single 20w aquari-lux FL bulb
Filtration AquaClear 200
Plants Java fern, java moss, water sprite, anubias
Animals Pearl gourami, corydoras, harlequin rasaboras,
cardinals, other tetra species
Materials bogwood, rocks (river and lava)

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