Dimensions 122 × 33 × 51 cm
Volume 208L
Background outside painted black
Lighting 4x40 watt fluorescent lights (T-8, 5000 K)
Filtration Canister filter and
External "hang on the back" power filter
Plants Microsorium pteropus, Microsorium pteropus "Windelov", Vesicularia dubyana, Cryptocoryne sp., Bacopa monnieri, Anubias barteri var. nana, Anubias barteri var. coffefolia, Anubias c.f. congensis, Anubias barteri, Echinodorus amazonicus, Echinodorus horemanni "red leaf", Lilaeopsis sp., Ludwigia sp.
Animals Hyphessobrycon cardinalis, Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi, Hemmigrammus bleheri, Otocinclus affinis, Peckoltia vittata, Epalzeorhynchus siamensis, Ramshorn snails, Algae eating shrimp
Materials Bogwood and
Petrified wood
Additional Information Laterite clay in the substrate
CO2 addition achieved with 15lb "welding supply" canister of CO2 and a "greenhouse" type needle valve with the gas bubbled into the intake impeller of the power filter (not visible in the pictures)