Dimensions 77 × 32 × 32 cm
Title Crudus Mundus ( Latin: A Green world)
Volume 76L
Background Styrofoam painted black.
Lighting Compact Fluorescent, 55X2= 110 watts.
1 6700K and the other is at 10000K.
Filtration Eheim 2213
Plants Echinodorus Tenellus(red and regular); Hygrophila Polysperma(Sunset and regular); marsilea sp, Christmas moss.
Animals Neon Tetras(Paracheirodon innesi), Cherry red shrimp(Neocaridina denticulata sinensis), Amano shrimp (Caridina japonica)and Malaysian trumpet snails (Melanoides tuberculata).
Materials Malaysian Driftwood
Additional Information Liquid fertilization: Seachem Flourish, Seachem Flourish Excel; Seachem Flourish Iron, Seachem Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium.
Substrate used to be composed of three layers: Natural Play soil, Peat and regular gravel, now its revamped to eco-complete.
Natural plant system used for CO2 supply.
Water changes: Once every 3 days or at the least once a week.
Try to stick to one plan and don't change it so ofthen unless you think is time. Looking at the second picture I can help but to think how good a "mound" will make this tank look using only the Echinodorus spp. and allowing the driftwood to stick out just a little off center this plus a good school of cardinal will make a huge difference.
Just my 0.2 cents!
BTW hide the equipment next time it really change things.