#120: 260L Aquatic Garden my many species tank

niels van roon den helder, Netherlands


The name certainly fits your tank! It is a pretty community tank and obvioulsy a good home for your fish since they are reproducing there. That in itself is something to be proud of! Some well-defined hardcape materials in the mid-ground would help provide focus for your tank without taking away all those hiding places which make it possible for your fish to reproduce.
— Karen Randall
Your title says it all. There are too many plant species to be able to provide a well-balanced aquascape. Congratulations on being able to grow so many plants at one time!
— George Farmer

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 40 × 60 cm
Title my many species tank
Volume 260L
Background cork
Lighting from back to front
38W T8 840 on: 09.00 off: 22.00
54W T5 940 on: 12.00 off: 16.30
38W T8 830 on: 09.30 off: 21.00
54W T5 940 on: 12.00 off: 16.30
38W T8 840 on: 09.30 off: 21.00
25W T8 sera daylight on: 08.30 off: 21.30
Filtration aquapro 4
Plants 1 riccia fluitans,
2 valisneria caulescens,
3 Anubias,
4 Polygonum sp san paulo,
5 najas indica,
6 Microsorium pteropus brassii,
7 Lagarosiphon madagascariensis,
8 microsorium pteropus,
9 cabomba,
10 Ludwigia sp guinea,
11 bacopa australis,
12 Proserpinaca palustris Cuba,
13 rotala sp green,
14 blyxa novoguineensis,
15 microsorium windelov,
16 Anubias nana mini,
17 myriophyllum aquaticum,
18 lobelia cardinalis,
19 crypto,
20 Ludwigia sp india,
21 Ludwigia sp Pantanal,
22 Lomariopsis lineata,
23 p. helferi,
24 Lindernia rotundifolia "variegated",
25 Eleocharis acicularis,
26 Alternanthera reineckii ''roseafolia minor'',
27 Marsilea hirsuta,
28 on the side and back wall Vesicularia dubyana.
Animals 15 rasbora hengeli (10 adult + 5 young),
8 epiplaty dageti ( 2 adult + 6 young),
10 carnegiella strigata strigata,
8 moenkhausia pittieri (5 adult + 3 young),
8 botia sidthimunki,
x small shrimp,
Materials wood
substrate dark and light gravel 1-2mm
Additional Information fertilization: no3 and po4. co2 (ph controlled)

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