Dimensions 60 × 45 × 45 cm
Title Bosque Verde
Volume 121L
Lighting 4X24 WATTS T5 8000k
Filtration Eheim 2224
Plants Blyxa Japonica,Criptocorine Green Gecko, Cryptocoryne wendtii ''brown'', Singapur Moos, Flame Moos,Cyperus Helferi, Vallisneria Narrow Leaf, Neadle Java Ferm, Narrow Java Ferm.
Animals Ottocinclus sp. Neocaridina heteropoda "Red Cherry",
Crystal Red Shirmp
Materials Akadama+Sand
Additional Information Co2_2 bubbles per second
Visual chaos results from the lack of a distinctive focal point weak definition of the various spaces and plant groupings and an illogical relationship between the design elements. i.e. where in nature are you likely to find brown rocks sitting in white sand.
Correct these shotcomings and the aquascape will be more satisfying to view.