Dimensions 52 × 37 × 52 cm
Title Magic Moss
Volume 90L
Background No.
Lighting 2 * 15 Watt Daylight + Grolux
Filtration Spong Filter
Plants 1. Limnophila aromatica
2. Ammania Gracilis
3. Cladophora Aegagrophila
4. Mayaca Fluviatilis
5. Cryptocoryne undulata
6. Vesicularia Dubyana “java moss”
7. Monosolenium Tenerum “Pellia”
8. Vesicularia Dubyana “christmas moss”
9. Salvinia Cucullata
10. Hygrophila Polysperma
11. Hygrophila Difformis
12. Hydrocotyle Leucocephala
13. Ceratopteris Thalictroides
14. Cryptocoryne Crispatula var. Balansae
15. Anubias Nana
16. Anubias Nana “gold”
17. Cryptocoryne Wendtii ''brown''
18. Cryptocoryne Wendtii ''green''
19. Sagittaria Subulata
20. Saururus Cernuus
Animals Cherry Shrimp-
Platy (Xiphophorus maculatus)
Materials Aquaclay + FondoViva Plant Gravel and Driftwood -
Dead bamboo pipes.
But in order for this escape from the "Nature Aquarium" to be taken seriously there is work to be done on improving your plantsmanship.
The plants seem healthy but good trimming technique and the "rules" for good design still apply.