#82: 375L Aquatic Garden Mountain of Whispers

Maciej Wnuk Minsk Mzowiecki, Poland


Pretty tank. The Nessaea is not doing well and does not add to the look of the tank. I would replace it with something that was happier in your tank conditions.
— Karen Randall
The composition is good but let down a little by the overgrown glosso and right hand red stems (Nesea crassicaulis). Pruning the Rotala rotundifolia would also improve the aquascape.
— George Farmer

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 150 × 50 × 50 cm
Title Mountain of Whispers
Volume 375L
Background black card
Lighting 4x45w T5
Filtration Fluval 304, Aquael fan 2 plus
Plants 1. Rotala rotundifolia, 2. Cryptocoryne wendtii green, 3. Glossostigma elatinoides, 4. Eleocharis parvula, 5. Hemianthus micranthemoides, 6. Valisneria nana, 7. Nesea crassicaulis, 9. Hydrocotyle leucocephala, 10. Vesicularia sp. Taiwan, 11. Cryptocoryne wendtii brown
Animals Paracheirodon innesi, Hybhesobrycon bentosi bentosi, Ancriatus sp., Apistogramma cactuoides, Otocinclus affinis, Corydorus panda
Materials wood, stones, quartz gravel + Tetra Plant Initial Sticks, sand

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