#95: 462L Aquatic Garden ALFOMBRA VERDE

Albert Escrihuela Cáceres Valencia, Spain


A lush garden and I'm sure it is a delight in person. However the R. macrandra is a little overwhelming and the shadow underneath it becomes the strongest pull for the eye. Think about trimming it back and adding some rocks or wood in the midground to hide the base of the stems.
— Karen Randall
The centre mass of red stems is a little overwhelming when compared to the much shorter stems in the remainder of the layout. Some midground planting and/or decor would also strengthen the aquascape.
— George Farmer

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 110 × 70 × 60 cm
Volume 462L
Lighting 2x250 HQI. 5.200 ºKelvin
Filtration Filtration 2000l/h.
Plants Cryptocorina Balansae, Eusteralis Stellata Green, Rotala Wallichi, Nessaea Crassicaulis, Myriophyllum Brasiliensis, Pogostemon Helferi, Blyxa japonica, Christmas moss, Eleocharis parvula, Rotala Rotundifolia, Limnophila aromatica, Hemigraphis Traian, Bacopa Caroliniana, Rotala Sp Mini, Rotala SP from Vietnam.
Animals 10-Puntius Denisonis, 70- Caridina Heteropoda Red Cherrys, 20-Caridina Japonica, 20- Ottocinclus Affinis, 10-Crossocheilus Siamensis, 8-Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma, 20-Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis,
15-Nannostomus Marginatus, 3-Pterophyllum Dumerili, 15-Paracheirodon axelrodi (Tetra Cardenal).
Additional Information Sustrate Akadama, Aqualit and Peat.

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