#302: 840L Biotope Aquascape Gigantes amazónicos

Oscar García Valencia, Spain

Awards and Comments


While this is not a small tank it is still nowhere near big enough to house these fish. Nor does it make any attempt to replicate a natural biotope. It is simply a collection of large fish stuffed into a glass box.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 140 × 100 × 60 cm
Title Gigantes amazónicos
Volume 840L
Background no
Lighting 1 HQI 150w + 3 x 150w Hortícolas
Filtration 2 x 1500 l/h Eheim
Plants No
Animals 3 Colosoma macropomum 40 cm
15 Mylosoma duriventre
1 Astronotus ocellatus
1 Cichlasoma citrinellum
4 Leporinus faciatus
Materials Troncos, rocas y grava decorativa
Additional Information no

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