#418: 75L Aquatic Garden refuge of stone

Anderson Felipe Borges Porto Ferreira, Brazil

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 70 × 30 × 45 cm
Title refuge of stone
Volume 75L
Background white
Lighting 6x T5 14W 6500K period of 7hours
Filtration Atman AT 3335 600L/H
Plants Eleocharis Minima and Eleocharis Parvula
Animals Paracheirodon axelrodi (Neon Cardinal)17, Crossocheilus oblongus (Comedor de Alga Siamês)2,Otocinclus affinis (Limpa-Vidro)1.
Materials Mbreda Amazônia e Mbreda Amazônia Extra Fino
Additional Information Co2 2kg 1bps.
1 once weekly removal of 30% of the tank volume. Interspersed NPK fertilization Days, macro and micronutrients

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