#147: 240L Dutch Aquascape Pleasure

Istratie Mihai Gabriel Ramnicu Valcea, Romania


Good looking plants. PLant groups and general layout have potential as well but for a Dutch Style there are really too many red plants in there. Right frontside of the tank is not sutainable if it is really that dark there.
— Marco Aukes
Pretty tank with nice grouping but it is not Dutch. Add some dark broad leaved plants cover the glass and make some space between the groups to created a stronger impression.
— Phil Edwards

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 40 × 50 cm
Title Pleasure
Volume 240L
Lighting Osram t5
Filtration Filtru extern Eheim
Plants Staurigione repens, Nasea triflora, Ludwigia repens rubin, Pogostemon Kimberly, Ludwigia arcuata, Ludwigia minired, Blixa japonica, Pogostemon erectus, Eichornia diversifolia, Lobelia cardinalis small form, Proserpinaca palustris cuba, Rotala macrandra Narrow Red, Eriocaulon Vietnam ,Eriocaulon Cinereum
Animals Shrimps

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