#167: 60L Aquatic Garden Mata do Cipó

Carlos Souza São Paulo, Brazil


This composition to me was well done but the sheer number of different plant species combined with the overgrown and wild look were deterrents.
— Jen Williams

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 60 × 40 × 25 cm
Title Mata do Cipó
Volume 60L
Background White
Lighting Led Plan Mbreda
Filtration Eheim
Plants Nambei Moss,Fissidens Moss,Rotala Rotundifolia,Rotala Green,Hydrocotyle Tripartita Mini,Micranthemum Sp Monte Carlo,Eleocharis Japan,Hemianthus Calitrichoides Cuba,Mayaca Ponta Grossa,Hygrophila Pinnatifida,Marsilea Angustifolia,Staurogine Sp,Anubia Petit,Bolbitis Mini,Microsorum Mini,Bucephalandra
Animals Estrada da Colõnia,95 ( Supermercado Ayumi)
Materials Rocks and Woods.
Substrate Mbreda Amazõnia
Additional Information Mata do Cipó
This work was inspired by a seasonal biome found in the Atlantic forest with a great abundance of roots and numerous species of plants.
It is located in the state of Bahia - Brazil.

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