#222: 18L Aquatic Garden monte mor

Alison Avelino Caruzo tabatinga, Brazil

Awards and Comments

Top Ten
Nice shape tank and a nice scape. One remark: I think if the pathway was a bit wider or covered with plants it would look more beautiful.
— Esther Mous

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 40 × 20 × 22 cm
Title monte mor
Volume 18L
Lighting luminária pl 18w Branca 6.500k Boyu
Filtration FILTRO EXTERNO (HANG-ON) atman hf 100
Plants Fissidens fontanus
Vesicularia ferriei(Weeping Moss)
Vesicularia dubyana(Musgo de Java)
Taxiphyllum sp(Flame Moss)
Animals Paracheirodon axelrodi
Materials rochas coletadas
Additional Information Fertilização: Rc Flora All In One 2x por semana 2ml
carbono liquido 1ml por dia

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