#320: 96L Paludarium 静谧之地

Bai Peng Beijing, China


Pretty little tank. Not as intricate as some but holds to the sprit of a true Paludarium with a true planted water area as well as a nice developed land area. Thank you!!!
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 40 × 40 × 60 cm
Title 静谧之地
Volume 96L
Background 发泡胶
Lighting OSUN LED
Filtration 内置过滤
Plants 蕨类植物,秋海棠类植物,食虫类植物,蜜囊花,水榕,辣椒榕,羽裂蓑衣,苔藓等
Animals 灯科鱼
Materials 沉木

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