#331: 52L Aquatic Garden WAY TO THE SUN

Jackson Oliveira GOIANIA, Brazil

Awards and Comments

Third Place
Very interesting job. Very impressive and dramatic but for me the left side was neglected. I would to see more work in that side.
Another mistake. If the main hole is the central point of observer i don't see necessity to creat another empty point because it catch our attention too.
Less paths in the foreground could be better too and fishes could be in better position.
But anyway it is a delicate job congratulations.
— Andre Longarco
I would have loved to see the left side of this layout developed more!
— Jen Williams

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 50 × 35 × 30 cm
Volume 52L
Background iluminação 4500k
Lighting 2 x luminaria chihiros rgb 30
Filtration Canister enheim 2215
Plants Hemiantus cuba, Bucephalandras, Higrophila pinatifidias, Calitriche sp, Rotala indica, Rotala mexicana, Alternathera mini super red, china moss, hidrocotile tripartirta
Animals Paracheirodon innesi
Materials Substrato Mbreda Amazonia,areia cosmeticas, rochas colmeia, raizes,
Additional Information Trabalho realizado com influencias orientais misturando com o estilo brasileiro.

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