#372: 72L Aquatic Garden Interweaving...

Dmitry Cherepakhin Zaporozhye, Ukraine

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 60 × 30 × 40 cm
Title Interweaving...
Volume 72L
Background Frosted transparent on glass plus gray with LED backlight behind the tank.
Lighting Homemade LED light (1W * 26pcs)
Filtration External filter Fluval 105.
Plants Queen moss, Fissidens fontanus, Vallisneria, Microsorum Pteropus "Narrow", Hydrocotyle tripartita, Microsorum pteropus 'narrow leaf', Pogostemon helferi, Staurogyne sp. Brown, Limnophila Aromatica Mini, Anubias barteri var. nana «petit»
Animals Paracheirodon innesi, Neocaridina heteropoda var 'red'
Materials 1-3mm quartz soil, Gooseberry root, Brown lava
Additional Information Launched 10.01.2019(7 months)

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