#438: 300L Biotope Aquascape Creek in the Thousand-Buddha Mountains after a Landslide

庄易Zhuang Yi Chengdu, China

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 50 × 50 cm
Title Creek in the Thousand-Buddha Mountains after a Landslide
Volume 300L
Background no
Lighting 8000k 300w
Filtration CF800
Plants no
Animals Schizothorax (schizothorax.) prenanti
Additional Information I came from Sichuan , a volatile place which is no stranger to natural disasters, like earthquakes and mudslides. In 2008, a devastating magnitude-8 earthquake struck the city of Wenchuan , which left deep wounds and scars in many's hearts. You may know its name, but you would never know how it impacted lives surrounding this vast area unless you set food on its soil. The monstrous earthquake triggered a huge mudeslide, that reduced these valleys into ground. Yet, life itself always finds a way out. Over the past decade, streams redirected their path, becoming a lifeline for all organisms. There lies the law of nature ,distruction brings with it new life. A very primitive ecosystem is established and preserved, once its interaction with the outside world was cut off.

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