#494: 40L Wabi Kusa 生命力

包剑琳 北海, China

Awards and Comments

First Place
Beautifully designed Wabi-Kusa aquascape. The different colors and textures were used very well and the emersed grown swordplant makes a striking centerpiece. Excellent job!
— Bailin Shaw
Really lovely. I love the idea of the wood "coming through" the glass! Clever!
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 45 × 30 × 30 cm
Title 生命力
Volume 40L
Background 未使用背景
Lighting 一盏 52.5w RGB LED 灯
Filtration 不使用过滤
Plants 红宫廷,凤尾宝塔,羽裂水蓑衣,阿根廷皇冠,小红梅,豹纹血心兰,黄金柳,小三角莫斯,虎耳,浮萍
Animals 4条正三角灯鱼,4只大和沼虾,三只彩蛋螺
Materials 青龙石,杜鹃根木头,碎火山石,水草泥,化妆沙
Additional Information 作品取名“生命力”,表现的是水草从水下顽强地向水上生长的一种状态,同时表现植物的根系努力地穿透生长,歌颂大自然母亲的伟大生命力!作品利用了浮萍等水草自然的净化水质的作用,完全不使用过滤系统,但是鱼虾螺都能健康地存活生长!

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