#733: 146L Aquatic Garden HeavenlyMeadows

Rajib Saha KOLKATA, India

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 90 × 45 × 36 cm
Title HeavenlyMeadows
Volume 146L
Background white frosted vinyl
Lighting led custom 90 watts
Filtration external at 1000 lph
Plants Utricularia graminifolia,micranthemum monte carlo,fissidens sp,myriophyllum mattogrossense,rotala hra,ludwigia red,bucephalandra sp,hydrocotyle sp,taxiphyllum sp,eleocharis sp,hemianthus callitrichoides
Animals paracheirodon axelrodii,neocaridina sp,otocinclus
Materials ohko stones
Additional Information ada la plata sand used for path,temperature at 25,water changes every 3 days and daily dosing

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