#449: 9L Wabi-Kusa Pupuan

Genemart Adrenal Denpasar, Indonesia


Interesting Wabi-Kusa. The Echinodorus does not fit the scale of the design and is swallowed up by the Hydrocotyle.
— Bailin Shaw
I like the concept of an old tree. Gutsy to try using that Hydrocotyle but I don't think the shape of it really adds to the wood and not in scale.
— Jo Ann Fujii
Cute! Looks like something out of Dr. Seuss!! I would have liked it better without the fish.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 30 × 20 × 15 cm
Title Pupuan
Volume 9L
Background White Wall
Lighting Natural Sunlight
Filtration No
Plants hydrocotyle verticillata, echinodorus, bacopa monnieri, bucephalandra mini, fissiden moss, java moss
Animals Danio Rerio
Materials Lava Rock, Rasamala Wood, Bali sand, Wabikusa ball
Additional Information Wabikusa ball created using ultimate soil and stocking fabric, placed outdoor no direct sunlight

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