#549: 8100L Paludarium Dragon's nest

yelizhi Yiwu city, China

Awards and Comments

Top Ten
Wow! More light and aquatic plants in shallow section and you've got this!
— Cory Nudelman
The size of the setup is quite impressive. The hardscape creates a great directional scape that's enhanced with the selection of plants. I'd love to see this one in person.
— Tanner Serpa
This is absolutely spectacular... as far as we can see it... But that's the problem. I can SEE that there are plants in the water section and I want SO MUCH to believe that it's beautiful under there too. But you just haven't SHOWN us!!! I totally understand how difficult it is to show off something this massive to good effect. But you have 5 photos to use and rather than showing off that SO important planted water section you've shown us photos of the incomplete hardscape. That is nice but not what we NEED to see to properly judge your entry.

I want SO much to give this entry very high marks but I can't simply because I can't SEE in the water. Next time go back and illuminate the water area separately if you have to so that you can take good photos of that area too! Show off your fantastic work for all to see!!!
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 600 × 90 × 150 cm
Title Dragon's nest
Volume 8100L
Background 造景发泡剂,树脂雕刻
Lighting 积光LED植物灯盘X8,
Filtration 底部过滤/自动换水系统
Plants 短绒藓,粗植藓,小灰藓,多种积水风梨,空气风梨,菖蒲,多种秋海棠,狼尾蕨等多种蕨类植物,石兜兰,附生兰,细叶霹雳,山乌龟,椒草,
Animals 红尾皇冠X9条,黑壳虾X1000只,
Materials 火山石 杜鹃根 
Additional Information 喷淋系统:60个喷淋头/每2小时喷淋1分钟

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