Dimensions 360 × 90 × 180 cm
Title 梦幻雨林 (Dream Rainforest)
Volume 5832L
Background 发泡剂
Lighting LED射灯X30个
Filtration 底部过滤
Plants 陆生植物:短绒藓,粗植藓,小灰藓,多种积水风梨,空气风梨,菖蒲,多种秋海棠,多种
(Terrestrial plants: velvet moss, rough plant moss, small gray moss, many kinds of water pear, air pear, calamus, many kinds of begonias, many kinds Ferns, Lycopodium massoniana, Paphiopedilum, Epiphytic orchid;
Aquatic plants: water ficus, pepper ficus, Danish pepper grass)
Animals 黑壳虾,一眉道人,鳑鲏 (Black shell shrimp, one eyebrow Taoist, tortoise)
Materials 火山石 杜鹃根