Dimensions 120 × 50 × 50 cm
Title Undying
Volume 300L
Lighting 1x Maxlite Pro, 2x ADA Solar I
Filtration Eheim 3 Pro
Plants Dwarf Hair Grass, Lilaeopsis Brasiliensis, Lilaeopsis pilularia, Hydrocotyle Verticillata, Taxiphyllum sp., Riccardia sp., Hemianthus Callitrichoides, Hemianthus micranthemoides, Micranthemum Monte Carlo, Myriophyllum Mattogrossense, Myriophyllum guyana, Java Fern "Trident", Hygrophila Pinatifida, Anubias sp. Various, Bucephelandra sp., Rotala sp., Microcarpaea minima, Helanthium tenellum, Rotala sp. Various,
Animals Inlecypris auropurpurea
Materials American Manzanita, Various other Driftwood, White Elephant Stone
Undoubtedly it is a good job but I see disconnections between the force vectors and little fluidity in the hardscape. Each group of logs has its own and unnatural meaning.
The high point of the work is the center of the vanishing point where the composition of the plants is very natural.
Speaking of plant health as it is almost all mosses and carpet plants their health could be much better for a aquascaping contest.
We have such strange feelings from the mirror effect.
Wood composition and fish selection & position are perfect.
I regret the plants have not grown enough...