#580: 84L Dutch Aquascape Ulala plant

Iwan wibawa gunawan Bandung, Indonesia


Plants look great but this is not Dutch Style
— Marco Aukes
Gorgeous. I wish all tanks were this pretty and healthy! I could sit and stare at this tank for a long time. But this is not a true Dutch tank. I'm almost inclined to move it to another category. Too many red stems. Not enough large-leaf rosettes dark mosses or tall grasses. A 60 cm (24 inch) tank should have no more than 6 to 8 species. Armed with guidelines of composition this aquarist could easily return next year and get the top spot.
— Vin Kutty

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 60 × 35 × 40 cm
Title Ulala plant
Volume 84L
Background Black sticker
Lighting DIY HPL Lamp
Filtration Eheim 2017
Plants 1. Hemianthus glomeratus a.k.a baby tears
2. Rotala rotundifolia orange juice
3. Rotala Hra
4. Limnophila sp belem
5. Altenanthera lilacina "pink panda"
6. Bacopa salzmanii
7. Rotala ramosior florida
8. Ludwigia glandulosa
9. Althenanthera renickii rosanervig
10. Amania bonsai
11. Ranunculis inundantus
12. Cryotocoryne parva
13. Altenanthera renickii mini
14. Staurogyne repens
15. Microcarpaea minima merrill
16. Cryptocoryne lutea hobbit
17. Cryptocoryne flamingo
Animals 1. Iriantherina fish 20
2. Broushmouth 3
3. Red cherry shrimp
4. Turbo snail
Materials 1. Subtrate ada amazonia soil
2. Subtrate prodibio soil
3. Tetra initial sticks fertilizer

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