#661: 3840L Paludarium 溪边艳阳

杨贵钦 南宁, China

Awards and Comments

Top Ten
You need to focus on adding additional aquatic plants.
— Cory Nudelman
The feel of this setup is very natural. The overhang design and plantings make for a mysterious view. It really is a slice of nature.
— Tanner Serpa
Just beautiful! I think you could do better with your water section but the land area is really REALLY exceptional!!!
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 200 × 120 × 160 cm
Title 溪边艳阳
Volume 3840L
Background 香槟树皮
Lighting 16个35瓦LED植物射灯
Filtration 底部过滤
Plants 积水凤梨,空气凤梨,狼尾蕨,各种蕨,水草,苔藓,石斛,热带植物及各种杂生附生植物
Animals 螃鲏、鳅、小巴、螺、虾等广西本地原生鱼类
Materials 沉木 龟纹石 溪沙
Additional Information 模仿热带河边原生态景观 [Imitate the original ecological landscape of the tropical river]

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