#902: 1L Wabi-Kusa On the rocks

Heidi Schwiperich Frechen, Germany


Like the blue plate shape and color which adds a nice pop of color. Seems a little overgrown - would have been better trimmed up a bit to show more hardscape so we could see the wood.
Some of the AR doesn't look healthy.
— Jo Ann Fujii
Well designed Wabi-Kusa with a beautiful mix of colors and texture. The natural growth of the trailing plants is well done!

Marginal use of water.
— Bailin Shaw
I am scoring this as if it has water in the dish... which I can not see. (It might be there but is not visible against the blue bowl.) Be careful about that because no water is a clear DQ. The bigger problem is that some of the leaves are getting smaller meaning that these plants need more nutrition!
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 10 × 10 × 5 cm
Title On the rocks
Volume 1L
Background None
Lighting Aqua Grow UNIQ FS
Filtration None
Plants Some sort of hygrophila, Christmas moss, Ludwigia sp super red, Rotala Rotundifolia, Bucephalandra theia Blue, Anubias Nana Petite, Alternanthera reineckii mini
Animals None
Materials Some stones from my backyard and some sticks too
Additional Information My goal was to have some stones in front of the wabi kusa ball and some sticks going out of it with moss

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