#199: 128L Aquatic Garden shinrin yoku


Awards and Comments

Top Ten
Very nice forest layout!
The differences of the levels offers a lot of dynamism to the layout. At least 3 distinct planes create transverse layers that accent the sense of perspective. It's developing clearly in the sense of to left to right and guides our eyes to the empty space behind the trees.
The dynamism of the foreground is perfect and the round leaves plants are used with mastery.
The reflections are satisfactory and the shadows are good.
What a beautiful layout with awesome natural atmosphere congratulations.
— André Longarco

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 80 × 40 × 40 cm
Title shinrin yoku
Volume 128L
Background Vinilo translúcido
Lighting 130w led 7horas/dia
Filtration 1500l/h
Plants vallisneria nana, Vallisneria Hemianthus Callitrichoides, fissidens fontanus, weeping moss, Ceratopyeris cornuta, Hidrocotile vulgaris, Echinodorus tenellus, heleocharis mini, anubias petite, anubias pangolino, anubias nana, Bucephalandras, Microsorium pteropus
Animals 12-Trigonostigma heteromorpha
12- Eyespot rasbora
Materials Roca basalto negro
Madera de vid
Madera autóctona
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