#676: 55.3L Aquatic Garden Mountain of Love

Ranojoy Mukherjee Kolkata, India

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 38 × 38 × 38 cm
Title Mountain of Love
Volume 55.3L
Background Frosted Vinyl
Lighting Week Aqua T70
Filtration Hangon back canister filer
Plants Hair Grass, Echinodorus tenellus red , Anubias Petite, Anubias Bonsai, Fissidens fontanus , S repens , Rotala HRA, Rotala Roundofolia Green
Animals Harlequin Rasbora -15
Red Chilli Rasbora -8
Zebra Snail- 1
Horn Snail -1
Red Cherry Shrimp -5
Octocinculas -2
Materials ADA power Sand , ADA Amazonia v2, Dragon Rock , Drift wood

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