Dimensions 60 × 40 × 40 cm
Title Colour spreadsheet
Volume 96L
Background Black paint
Lighting Netlea's RGB
Filtration OF 1800L/hr
Plants My aqua plants
3.rotala sp green,
4.rotala hara,
5.alternanthera reineckii Mini,
6.Hemianthus Micranthemoides,
7. Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides,
8.hygrophila pinnatifida,
9.luwigia glandulosa,
10.Pogostemon erectus,
11.Pogostemon helferi,
12.rotala macrandra,
13.Christmas moss,
14.EQ red,
15. rotala ramosior florida,
16. rotala sp. sunset,
17.luwigia super red,
18.luwigia iclinata sp. white,
19.luwigia iclinata tornado,
20.cryptocoryne wendii pink panther,
21. cryptocoryne wendii brown,
22. Hemianthus callitrichoides cuba,
23. proserpina a palustris(mermaid weed),
24.Luwigia arcuata
25.Staurogyne respens
26. Ammannia pedicelatta
27. Tonina fluviatilis
Animals 50
Harley quinn,
Red ember,
Rainbow fish,
SAE, golden algae eater,
Bee fish, cherry shrimp,
Black neon, snail,
Materials Soil, elephant skin stone, driftwood
Additional Information APT complete and APT fix
Yet again I must admit that I am impressed that you managed to maintain proportions and scale and as such create huge depth in the composition.
For Dutch Style however I would like to see more restraint on the amount of red plants. Then again; it is a lovely tank and you need to enjoy it!
Here are some tips and guidelines for Dutch style aquascapers: