#830: 3.3L Wabi-Kusa Pincuk

Adelia Jakarta, Indonesia


Enjoy the use of various leaf shapes and sizes to add a lot of interest. Parts look a little "messy" however and little overgrown.
— Jo Ann Fujii

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 26 × 5 × 26 cm
Title Pincuk
Volume 3.3L
Background No background
Lighting A100 led light 4w
Filtration No filtration
Plants Micranthemum sp. Monte Carlo
Java Moss
Hygrophila pinnatifida
Hydrocotyle verticillata
Echinodorus tenellus
Rotala hra
Rotala orange juice
Rotala sp. Pearl
Ludwigia sp. Red
Ludwigia senegalensis
Ludwigia brevipes
Pogostemon erectus
Cryptocoryne wendtii green
Materials A100 wabikusa base, cosmetic sand, santigi wood, gurek stone

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